The area of management control, particularly felt by medium-sized clients, is the result of decades of experience in the field.

The harnessing of these experiences has enabled the joint development, over time, of professional and operational capabilities for clients in the area of management control such as:


  • Strategic planning: support to management in defining business objectives, identifying the company's medium- to long-term mission and subsequently translating this into operational plans. The study and definition of business strategies, support in strategic choices, and analysis of competition and coalition policies
  • are part of this activity.
  • Business plan development: support in the development and analysis of the business plan, as a tool for medium- to long-term planning
  • Management accounting: definition and design of management accounting systems based on the identification of activities or management areas in which value is generated, selection and installation of business intelligence systems, project management consulting
  • Strategic control: help to the company in designing the control system for the analysis of its competitive positioning: budget analysis, performance indicators and balanced scorecard
  • Budget and reporting: assistance in defining budgeting and reporting procedures, drafting interim reports, analyzing variances and supporting management decisions
  • Analytical Accounting: consulting on analytical accounting, support and assistance in defining internal procedures, Activity Based Costing and Activity Based Management Accounting
  • Financial Planning: simulations and economic-financial projections to enable analysis of possible future dynamics
  • Treasury management: short-, medium-, and long-term cash simulation, relationships with lending institutions, cash-flow analysis
  • Investment evaluation: assessment of projected return on investment in future years
  • Process and procedure management: analysis of corporate organizational structures, comparison with reference models, assistance, definition, development and verification of internal procedures
  • Mansions: qualitative and quantitative analysis and planning of workforce, definition of tasks and lines of responsibility
  • analysis of objectives
  • qualitative analysis of existing information and computer systems
  • assistance, together with IT technicians, in choosing the most suitable solution both hardware and software
  • assistance in defining supply contracts
  • assumption of construction management or shadowing the in-house manager
  • support during the analysis and construction phases of the prototype
  • support during the start-up phase and in the subsequent optimization of the system

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